Friday, January 20, 2012

Top Ten Advertising Mistakes ...

1.  Developing an ad that is soon forgotten after the sale is over.

2.  Not spending enough money to reach an audience multiple times.

3.  Making claims not substantiated with proof.

4.  Failure to use “intrusive” ads (on radio and TV) in a patent, consistent campaign.

5.  Creating ads – but failing to create a campaign.

6.  Scheduling ads to run on Thursday-Friday … instead of earlier in the week.

7.  Targeting audiences qualitatively with poorly written ads.

8.  Producing cute “creative” ads that aren’t persuasive.

9.  Mistaking responses from friends and relatives as more important than actual results.

10. Focusing on “event-driven” advertising and failing to consider the ad message to those who don’t attend.

Good Selling!

Mr. Dana Kehr
Pro Marketing Northwest
PO Box 731413
Puyallup, WA  98373

(253)579-4040 text and direct

P.S. Need help with your ad messages? Please give me a call. That’s what I do!

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