Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Guerrilla Job Searches ...

So, I've been teaching classes under a contract with Tacoma Community College on "how to find a job". The classes are held at the Tacoma Goodwill learning center.

This experience has brought a great deal of joy to my life. The students are motivated and eager in the process even though today's economy has caused problems with high rates of unemployment ... and extended periods of joblessness.

The past few weeks, I've been researching some new techniques for shortening the time frame of what has now become on average an almost 10 month period of being out of work.

The new process is called "Guerrilla Job Searching" -- and it is just a wee bit different than what is recommended and taught by so many others with such dismal results.

With Guerrilla Job Searching -- the process and materials used are much different than the usual resume and cover letter. The approach to networking is also much different. And, the results are dramatically improved!

If any of you are interested in finding out about how this process may help in decreasing job hunting time, just send me a note. I'll send you some of my latest research and some sources I've found that may be of help to you or a friend or family member.

As my TV hero Red Green says: "I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together."


P.S. Did you know that the average person who is out of work spends 40-minutes a day searching for a job and 3 hours 20 minutes watching TV? Change those stats and change your life!

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