Friday, December 30, 2011

Creating Space ...

I spent yesterday cleaning and organizing my office. I like to do that several times a year. Not that it ever gets too unorganized – unless I am working on multiple projects. I try to square it away each day. But it needs a deep cleaning every now and then. And, I always like it when I am finished.

As I cleaned -- I threw out some materials that have just been gathering dust. Three bags full no less. I was amazed at how much I had accumulated in just a short time. And, I had to make some decisions as to what to keep; what to toss.  

I’ve also wanted to do some studying about how to better market one of my own business ventures – and my resource books were over against a wall where they were difficult to access. As a result, I’ve been putting off getting on that project.

So, as I cleaned – I re-organized. I created some shelf and cabinet space and made things a bit more functional.

When I finished, as I was relaxing a bit – I had two strong business ideas come to me. Both, I think, will lead to additional business.

And that may be the real benefit of clearing off a little space in your office. It not only gives you physical room – but it opens up your mind so that it fills the space with new creativity. It is the new slate; the fresh start; the clean page.

What a great way to start the New Year. I highly recommend it.

Good Selling!


Mr. Dana Kehr
Pro Marketing Northwest
PO Box 731413
Puyallup, WA  98373

P.S. Need help with creating new ideas? Give me a call. It's what I do!

253-579-4040 direct and text

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